Birthing Trauma

Small Baby Laying on a Blanket - Birth TraumaBirth Trauma

The birth of a baby is a beautiful and miraculous thing.

We try to prepare ourselves for the birthing process, and we imagine what it will be like.

For you, though, the birthing process did not turn out to be anything you wanted or imagined. You wanted a natural birth, and you ended up with all types of interventions: an emergency C-section, or lost your baby, or maybe even almost lost your own life. Birth trauma can affect you emotions and even your parenting style.

Could’ve – Should’ve

Friends begin to ask you what your birth story is, and you are just not ready to talk about it. If you brought a baby home, you are conflicted with feeling like you “should” be happy about this precious little bundle of joy; yet you feel a sense of loss. You feel guilt, regret, sadness, and even anger.

If you didn’t bring your baby home, you feel devastated, among a sea of other emotions. You are overwhelmed and don’t know what to tell people.

You are plagued by the past and things you wish had gone differently. You replay in your mind all the things you “could’ve” or “should’ve” done. But there is no end, the more you “could’ve” and “should’ve,” the worse you feel. Rest assured, if simply thinking through the birth trauma could have resolved your issue, it would have by now. Don’t endure the pain any longer than you have to!

Mother hugging a laughing baby Birth TraumaThere is help!

Whatever birth trauma you have been through, there is help!

You don’t have to live in regret or carry that with you into your next pregnancy. I can help you heal from this past traumatic birth experience. I can help you overcome the fear that grips you and causes you to second guess your desire to do this again.

Click here for understanding and a plan to move forward